Friday, May 15, 2020

The Movement Of The 20th Century - 1099 Words

My chosen movement is â€Å"Abstraction†, which became popular in the 20th century. It drew inspiration from several other art movements, for example; Fauvism, which consisted of jarring colours and simplification of imagery, and Cubism, which was made up of reconstructed abstract imagery (Lewis, 2015). One of the Abstraction movement’s objectives was to push the boundaries of how the artist described their world, they wanted to create art that conveyed the changes occurring in science and technology, through non literal imagery. This meant that artists sought inspiration from new historical and cultural resources, like art from distant countries, for example; Polynesian and Aboriginal Art. As they depicted the world differently to most western artists, often utilising lines, shapes and patterns that western art tended to shun before the late 19th century. The Abstraction movement’s goals, as described by the Drawing Center, were furthered by artists of this period seeking ways to describe motion in their art, as this was impossible to do within the realm of realism, therefore artists had to use more abstract methods to capture movement. This led to artists using lines and gestural strokes to invoke a sense of movement, e.g; Len Lye’s â€Å"Snow Birds Making Snow, 1936†. I have chosen to analyse Len Lye’s works, specifically his animations, as he was a prominent practitioner of Abstraction. I will be analysing 3 of his works, Tuaslava, 1929, Rainbow Dance 1936 and Swinging theShow MoreRelatedThe Feminist Movement in the 20th Century1659 Words   |  7 PagesAs noted by scholars such as Robinson (2001), the feminist movement of the 20th century was motivated by social and political movement in the United States; the purpose of the movement was to establish women equality. 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