Monday, February 24, 2020

Mastering Time Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Mastering Time Management - Essay Example How an individual allocates time for different activities depends upon his level of education and understanding of life. As a manager one must first know how to manage oneself and only then can one manage an organization or a subordinate. One has to identify what is important in life and spend more time on that. If one knows of the hectic week ahead, decisions and planning in advance helps (Green & Skinner, 2005). Prioritizing work reveals that some work could be delegated or were not really important. It can help to avoid stress that reduces efficiency. Stress also leads to high absenteeism and labor turnover, all of which can be measured in terms of money. Time management can help to avoid missing deadlines which hampers customer relations, affects the image and competitiveness of the firm. it helps to develop cognitive skills. It enables a person to be more organized, assertive, he is able to prioritize work and achieve targets. The whole environment is less stressful and results in better health conditions of the employees. In the field of nursing time was a condition that structured the planning, accomplishment and result of nurses’ work (Bowers, Lauring & Jacobson, 2000). Their main source of job dissatisfaction was too little time. Limited time makes it difficult to complete the required work and it is difficult to spend time with residents. Timing is important even in political campaigns and decisions. It can mar the campaigns if some events in the nations erupt just during that period. Timing makes or breaks the situation; timing influences the victory or loss as in the case of Rudy Giulani who faced bad news from the drug indictment of his South Carolina chairman to criticism for skipping meetings of the Iraq Study Group (MSNBC, 2007). The timing could not have been worse as the string of events came just as national polls showed him ahead of his rivals. People want to ‘manage stress’. Managing

Saturday, February 8, 2020

General Information about Spain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

General Information about Spain - Research Paper Example Civil War erupted in 1936 and Franco ascended to power in 1939 who followed a pro-Axis policy during the Second World War. Spain was isolated by the Allies after WWII and finally signed Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States September 26, 1953, and joined the UN in 1955. In November 1975, Franco died and was replaced by his heir Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon who assumed the title of king and chief of state. He replaced Franco’s Prime Minister with Adolfo Suarez in July 1976 who held an election on June 15, 1977 (the last election was in 1936) and instituted the democratic constitution (Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, 2011) Spain has an area of 504,750 sq. km. (194,884 sq. mi.), which includes the Balearic and Canary Islands. Its capital is Madrid with a population of 3.3 million people. It's lands composed of high plateaus, lowlands, and mountainous regions. The form of government is Constitutional Monarchy with Juan Carlos I proclaimed as King on November 22, 1975. The President of the Executive branch is nominated by the kind subject to the approval of Congress. The Legislative branch has a bicameral Cortes: â€Å"a 350-seat Congress of Deputies (elected by the Dhondt system of proportional representation) and a Senate. Four senators are elected in each of 47 peninsular provinces, 16 are elected from the three island provinces, and Ceuta and Melilla elect two each; this accounts for 208 senators. The parliaments of the 17 autonomous regions also elect one senator as well as one additional senator for every 1 million inhabitants within their territory (about 20 senators).  Judicial--Constitutional Tribunal has jurisdiction over constitutional issues. Supreme Tribunal heads system comprising territorial, provincial, regional, and municipal courts† (Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, 2011).  Ã‚